Saturday, December 22, 2018

Punda Maria, Kruger

African Fish Eagle

Baobob Tree

European Bee-eater

Found by Simon at Pafuri Picnic Site. We had already seen a Boomslang and a Snouted Cobra at this site. Simon spotted it when a rat fell out of a tree quite close to him and ran for it's life....followed by the Black Mamba. The rat got away. The snake moved like lightening and was quickly back up the tree, moving vertically. We gave it  a wide berth ! If you ever visit this picnic site, don't venture off the path. 

I know this isn't in focus but it's the Boomslang with a frog in it's mouth. Never seen a snake move so fast, but it was right infront of us as it struck the frog. Didn't have time to blink let along focus a camera. Sorry to tell you, but the frog didn't survive.  We had a three snake day, all highly venomous. 

Broad-billed Roller

Brown-hooded Kingfisher

And then we move onto the elephants at the waterhole. One of the best days of my life as elephants are my favourites. Just look at this tiny one, only a week old.

Hope you enjoy looking at these clips. It really was a magical evening at the waterhole. We were at the camp for 3 nights and they didn't return in these numbers again. 

We had rain and the ground erupted in these white flowers. They had a look of pyramidal orchid about them. 

Crested Guineafowl

Hammerkop with a frog tea

On one of our morning drives, we encountered 4 lions chilling out in the early morning sun

Newly born

Born 2 minutes ago and already trying to stand. There was a resident leopard in this area, pleased to say this beautiful baby survived the three nights we were there. 

Red-backed Shrike

Simon outside our home for three nights. This was our favourite site in  Kruger

One of the cisticola family

We had a storm one night, just look at it. Never before seen lightening like it and rain.....on a whole new level we have never witnessed before. 

Common Waxbills

Southern Masked Weaver

Golden Tailed Woodpecker and White-crowned Plover below

Here we are at Punda Maria for 3 nights, the northern camp in Kruger. A lovely, small camp, the best camp of our Kruger stay. A fabulous hobbit house that was massive inside. The elephants at the waterhole was one of the best days of my entire life. They started to visit in the afternoon and continued all evening and night with 1000's coming to drink and bathe. There wasn't a time in the evening when there wasn't 100 elephants in and around the waterhole, add this to zebra, antelope, nightjars circling and then a leopard called for a drink. A magical place that we were sad to leave. 

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