Friday, December 28, 2018

Crocodile Bridge, Kruger

Banded Mongoose - lots in our camp 

Black-collared Barbet 

Cheetah starting the hunt for breakfast, and failing ! 

Very distant cheetahs relaxing under a tree. 4 cubs and mum are seen regularly in this area. 

 Crowned Plover

Tawny Eagle 

Elephant reaching over and grazing on our garden greenery, around 10 metres from our bungalow ! 

As we were there in a dry season, flowers were very scarce. This was quite large and growing high up on  a tree. Could be an orchid.  

Go-away Bird 

Our hut at Crocodile Bridge for the last 3 nights. It was lovely, so peaceful and a perfect end to our Kruger stay. 

Pearl-spotted Owlet 

Red-backed Shrikes. None in the first week of our stay, then we saw one......and towards the end of our stay they were literally everywhere. 

Crocodile River...full of hippos ! 

Lilac-breasted Roller 

Vervet Monkey dragging it's young around the camp

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