Saturday, September 21, 2024

A few from the garden

Our garden has started to look a bit tired now, the seasons are beginning to change but our plants and flowers have done us proud all this summer. We will soon be re-potting all the fuschias and putting them in the greenhouse for the winter months but we are still enjoying the last of the blooms. We still have lots of tomatoes to ripen so desperately need more days of sun and our chillies and peppers are still going strong in the greenhouse. The courgettes are now all in the freezer along with the sweetcorn and we are already planning what we are growing next year !

Just a small snap of our border which has been spectacular this year

Chicken of the Woods fungus

Started our chilli harvest, all now in the freezer mixed with chopped tomatoes and frozen in ice cube sizes ready to pop into all our cooking. 

A lovely dragon in the garden

A bit of veg from recent days, now all prepared and frozen

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