Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Red Backed Shrike and Wryneck, Spurn

With a couple of days of easterly winds forecast it was definately worth a trip to Spurn on Sunday to see what had arrived. Oh my goodness, we were not prepared for the extravaganza that was to welcome us. A lesser whitethroat was our first bird of the day followed by redstarts, pied flycatchers and whinchats and that was how the afternoon went. A red backed shrike was along Canal Hedge which showed all afternoon and a wryneck further along the bank was a bonus we certainly didn't expect. One of those magical days with literally hundreds of migrant birds dropping in that increased as the afternoon went on. There wasn't a bit of fence without a bird on it, it was absolutely fantastic !!

Red backed shrike in the canal scrape bushes, constantly feeding and flitting about

Wryneck - distant and elusive but a cracking bird to finish a brilliant day off

Pied Flycatcher


A distant wryneck and redstart, just to show you how good the afternoon was !



A few snaps to show you just how many birds arrived in the afternoon. It's been a long time since we have had those numbers. Two birds here on every bit of fence.....fantastic !!

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