Thursday, May 23, 2024

Recent bits and bobs


Beautiful woodlands. We have visited this wood at this time of year for the last 5 years or so looking for Birds Nest Orchid. We fail miserably every single year !  Last year just one single spike was found and the location was kept a secret. We will succeed one year and will never stop looking x


White Campion

Waiting to hear a nightjar, a pair of woodcock kept us occupied along with mosquito swatting !

Ragged Robin

Custodians of the bum !  We have just started to see roe deer and muntjac in this field, the previous deer being slaughtered by the over keen killing gamekeeper. He has recently retired and we thought everything would be safe.....wrong. Tonight a couple of marksmen were all set up ready for murdering the deer that do no-one any harm. It's not as if the land is farmed for goodness sake. They can't let anything live.......murdering bastards. This is on George Jewitts land at Manton, North Lincs. 

Creeping Jenny (the yellow flower)

Jackdaw, a regular garden visitor

Herring Gull

Chiffchaff in the summer greyness

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