Sunday, September 29, 2013

Yellow-browed Warblers and Little Stint, Spurn

A very skulky yellow-browed warbler in Canal Scrape hedge.

The pager never stopped on Friday, yellow-browed warblers everywhere, the bushes on the east coast were dripping with them and with easterly winds blowing we thought we would be in for a right good day. So, Saturday morning we were up and pack-up done, heading to Spurn. Afraid the day didn't live up to expectations with just a couple of yellow-browed, a firecrest, little stint and a whinchat. We saw our first redwings of the autumn. One of those days at Spurn where there are more people than birds!

Little Stint, Canal Scrape with plenty of leg bling on.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little Owl

We found another pair of Little Owls tonight taking this years findings to 6 pairs. The light was dire so must return to these when it's brighter.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spotted Crake, Blacktoft Sands RSPB

Spotted Crake at Blacktoft Sands from Singleton Hide. Very distant and elusive, the crake showed about once every hour fleetingly across the middle channel. Sat in the hide for the majority of the day and had a good laugh with the Yorkshire lads. Definitely a record shot above but was still good to see a local spotted crake that hadn't been suppressed. A cracking little bird !

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Blue-winged Teal

Decided to drive over to Lincoln last Tuesday evening to see these 3 birds. We have never been to Boultham Mere before so SatNav was set and off we went. The SatNav then took us to Boultham Park but we were soon put right by a local who told us to walk up the side of Farm Foods. So, off we set in 5 o'clock traffic to find Farm Foods which proved almost impossible. We gave up and decided to head home when we drove past a frozen food shop - Farm Foods. So, off we trudged up a track for about a mile, until we reached the reserve. The hide is probably the dirtiest we have ever been in, obviously being used by the locals to get blathered in !
After much searching we located the teal, so that was another tick on Karen's big list taking her UK tally to 348. Didn't take the camera with us so probably have to visit again.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great Snipe at Kilnsea, Spurn

After a disappointing dash to Spurn yesterday, missing this Great Snipe by 10 minutes when it flew into the garden of Southfield Farm, not to emerge again before dusk. Was more than happy, and surprised when it came back on our pager again on Sunday morning. So with flask and a pack-up we set off yet again to Spurn. We couldn't believe just how well it showed and how it walked across the drive of  Warrenby Cottage with no fear of people whatsoever. Thanks for letting us into your garden, we had excellent views. After a quick trip down the road to see the Barred Warbler, the snipe had crossed the road and was quite happily feeding in the ditch across the road from the Blue Bell café.
Was nice to catch up with Wayne and Clair who we haven't seen in ages!

Blacktoft Sands RSPB, Yorks

 Green Sandpiper


A nice, friendly reserve with plenty of hides  and only a few miles from home. We visit at least once a week. The harriers will soon be coming into roost there as the winter draws near, always a fabulous sight to see.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

White-winged Black Tern

A lovely day at Attenborough Pits on Saturday to see this tern, a new UK bird for Karen taking her UK tally to 346. Two black terns were in attendance also. It was nice to catch up with Dave, an old birding / drinking buddy from a Lesbos trip ! Very jealous of the VW camper-van Dave........

A big thanks to Dave (another Dave) and hope you enjoy your new camera !

Monday, September 9, 2013

Red Backed Shrike, Spurn Migration Festival

A red-backed shrike taken from Well Field yesterday afternoon. The bird was always quite distant and very active. A rosefinch (rung) flew into the same bush early in the afternoon, it hung around for a full minute before heading off back in the direction of the Blue Bell. Despite searching, we couldn't re-locate it.
The Migration Festival seemed to be very well attended (and listening to the radios, brilliantly organised) and there was plenty happening. Something for everyone, from insect walks, local history, bird lectures, even taxidermy on a poor dunlin.  Lots of interest for the 200 people attending. Despite the lack of migrating birds, everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. There were very few birdwatchers there on the Sunday afternoon, which was a very pleasant surprise!
Nice to catch up with a few mates and meet new ones. We now have a wildcat trip to research and a bear trip in Italy to look forward to !

A few pics below of the shrike.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Local patch

A quick visit on Saturday morning to one of our local sights produced 2 whinchats and 2 wheatears.   As there was little  anywhere else we had an afternoon sea watching at Flamborough. Highlights were 2 sooty shearwaters and 2 balearic shearwaters. Seems to be the day for 2's. Would be a shame to spoil the evenness of the day, so home for 2 glasses of wine and 2 beers ! Both shearwaters were new UK birds for Karen, taking her list to 345.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Our local Hobbys

A couple of pairs locally, one pair with 2 chicks again this year.