Saturday, July 13, 2024

Black-winged Pratincole, Finningley, Yorks


Finally gave in drove to Finningley which is only about 20 miles from home. What had delayed us was the long walk we had been warned about and the bird was very distant. Karen had been under the weather for a week with a virus, negative covid but she wasn't convinced and a cough to beat all coughs! Parked at the beginning of the lane and only had to walk a couple of hundred yards before we met birders watching a bird and bingo.....there sat the pratincole amongst all the daisies ! Yes it was distant but see it we did. The crowd were great fun and raucous laughter was soon heard. The path was a quagmire of gloopy, deep, slippery mud thanks to the never stopping rain and lorries. Home so Karen can dose up and of course, watch the Tour de France. Happy days !

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