Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Red-backed Shrikes, Donna Nook, Lincs


Not one, but two red-backed shrikes around the car park at Donna Nook
Monday afternoon birding doesn't get much better !

Some excellent views of the two shrikes at Donna Nook. They did both land on top of the same bush for a second. Pity the photographers hounded them, getting closer and closer with a couple walking right into the bushes.....flipping idiots !  One whinchat was the only supporting cast. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A few local pics from last week


Beautiful yellow wagtails infront of the hide


Tussling sparrowhawks


Lots of Snipe, very cryptic almost disappearing in the vegetation

A distant red kite any hirundines

A couple of pairs of distant ravens

The pink-footed geese arrived on the Humber this week, thousands of them, their sound signifies the change of seasons with winter not too far away

Pied Wagtails



and a beautiful roe deer, watching us watching it .....soon turning it's heels and away

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Pectoral Sandpiper, RSPB Blacktoft Sands


Afraid it never came close preferring to feed and sleep on the opposite mud but it did have a fly around with the lapwings

Monday, September 9, 2024

Redstarts, Flycatchers, Whinchats and Lesser Whitethroats, Donna Nook, Lincs

 Headed back to Donna Nook for the red-backed shrike that had been reported earlier. A walk along the coastal path to Pye's Hall was, without doubt, the best birding day we have ever had on the Lincs coast with a massive fall of birds. The path was littered with wheatears, pied and spotted flycatchers were in every bush along with redstarts and whinchats and a few lesser whitethroats made Simon's day.  It was spectacular and we loved every minute of it. What made it extra special was that there was just us two and a million mosquitoes !  Hope you like our pics x

What a fantastic day !