Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pergrines, Lincoln Cathedral

Our annual pilgrimage to Lincoln Cathedral to hopefully see the peregrines. This evening certainly did not disappoint. One of this years chicks had well and truly left the nest and had fluttered down to one of the bottom ledges making viewing and photography spectacular. The remaining three were still in the nest and could be heard screaming for food, constantly !  The adults were dotted around until the male flew off, quickly returning with a pigeon which was plucked and taken into the nest. Very loud screeching followed by silence as they were finally getting fed ! Beautiful architecture, bell ringing, a choir practice that sounded heavenly and these peregrines. Couldn't ask for more. 

We returned two nights later but think we had missed the others fledging as judging by the noise and activity, they were on the main roof of the Cathedral. Lots of food was brought in by the parents so, fingers crossed, they successfully rear the 4 chicks. Karen picked a red kite up flying over which was an added bonus. We are so very lucky and never take these birds for granted. Fantastic !

and stunning architecture ! 

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