Monday, June 24, 2024

A few from the garden


Fresh home-grown spuds.......taste absolutely delicious. Boiled with a couple of sprigs of mint from the garden and covered in butter. The best meal ever !!  We are harvesting these daily now and have got quite a few bags of them in the freezer this year. Nothing beats a home-grown new spud !

Heritage tomatoes in the greenhouse. Lots of varieties that we have never grown before, just for a change. There are a good 30 plants in here and we have two full beds of tomatoes outside aswell so a good 150 plants. None go to waste as they are cooked, bagged and frozen ready for adding to chillies, currys etc. We will soon be having tomatoes on toast for breakfast.....every day !  

Sweet of Karen's favourite flowers. They smell fantastic !

This morning's harvest of spuds and fat spring onions. It is like this every day now in our house and we love it......nothing beats these flavours. Puts shop bought veg to shame.

A few potatoes surrounded by onions

Simon eyeing up his peas while Pixi stares longingly for food !

Miniature rose that flowers every year. Tom bought me this about 10 years ago in a Mother's Day planter and when the planter had finished the rose was put out. Flowers every year and it's lovely

Gorgeous purple stuff !

Primula vialii, stunning flowers

A planter from the front......waiting for the fuchsias to flower, any day now.....expect lots of pics !

Pixi fast asleep in the cold frame

Here she is, loves this spot. Had to move the fuchsia cuttings for her !

A few peppers on now the weather has improved. They certainly didn't like the cold and all the chillies are in flower now

Lots of peas on, just waiting for the pods to fill

Now you may wonder what these are.....they are peanuts !!  Simon had never grown them before so popped a few in the propagator. They are now all outside, lets see what they grow like

Harvested one bed of onions. The garlic this year is stupendous !  Just drying out before being hung in nets in the shed. Keep us going for a while. Another large bed of onions still growing.

The bed of onions before harvest

Onions and garlic

Simon has grown literally hundreds of fucshias this year. They will all look spectacular when the buds open. Some are just starting now. This one is gorgeous. Think it's in the Thalia family.

Swingtime flower in the front door wall planter.

Yellow ball courgettes......we have plenty on and they are delicious

This is Knautia in the Scabious family.....a stunning little flower

Chillies and peppers

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