Monday, May 6, 2024

Last weeks pics


Lovely to see the barn owl on our evening walk, complete with ring. It took a lapwing chick for supper !

Reed Bunting

Kestrel in the evening glow

Meadow Pipit



Our local hobbies returned this week, 4 over our local reserve yesterday, feeding very high up

A distant cuckoo. This was at Anderby Creek where we had a nano glimpse of the Woodchat Shrike. An excellent morning with the cuckoo and our first hobby of the year.

Cuckoo on the pylons being flushed by a buzzard


Our evening river walk. At least 10 sedge warblers in a small stretch, lots of whitethroats but afraid no grasshopper warbler yet

Starlings on our back lawn stuffing themselves with as many as you can !

Stonechats in the gauze

Lots of swifts

Common Terns. Just this one tern island in acres of water so the terns have to share it with gulls and any would think the Lincs Trust could provide a couple more islands, not rocket science. And all the goalpost perches in the water have perished so afraid no room for wildlife on the nature reserve. Usually a couple of pairs on here so this one island gets very crowded. 

Song Thrushes with their tea flying infront of them !

Lots of singing whitethroats

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