Monday, May 8, 2023

Californian Condors, Navajo Bridge, Grand Canyon


With a 3 metre wingspan.....that's the best part of 10 feet !

Stunning scenery and equally stunning birds !

Navajo Bridge spanning the Colorado River in Marble Canyon

A few snaps taken from the car on our way to the Grand Canyon. The rock colours and formations were simply stunning and these pics certainly don't do it justice. 

The Colorado River
You cannot imagine the beauty and the massive scale of this canyon.

We knew we would only get one chance of seeing the Californian Condors so we headed to the Navajo Bridge where we thought we stood the best chance. We were certainly not disappointed. Simon was the first on the bridge while I was looking at ridiculously priced niknaks !  He was soon hollering and waving for us to join him sharpishly. One was sat on the bridge underneath him, tucked into the metalwork. Pressure off and bird ticked !  We soon had many others located sitting on the girders and underneath the bridges. They breed not too far from the bridge and use it to sit on during the day. They all favoured the pedestrian bridge, probably disliking the traffic noise on the other bridge. We saw a few fly, well glide really, and the wing span was something else. What a day !!
Afraid we left without a niknak purchase.......the dream catchers were beautiful but with a $50 pricetag they stayed where they were !

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