Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Calliope Hummingbird, Ash Canyon Bird Sanctuary, Sierra Vista

We had been to a couple of feeding stations in the hope of catching a glimpse of the smallest native bird in the USA but had no luck. But word had got out that one was visiting very late afternoon at the Ash Canyon Bird Sancuary, a place we visited quite a few times on our travels. So it was just a matter of sit and wait, but being surrounded by orioles and hummers coming in for their last feed of the day, we had no complaints. The ranger sat with us and called every bird, much appreciated. She told us that the Calliope favoured the penstemon flowers so all eyes were peeled. Soon a shout went up and there it was, feeding on the penstemon nectar. What a fantastic bird, the pink throat was the same colour as the flowers. A stunner and the only one we saw on our trip.

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