Monday, May 8, 2023

Willcox Twin Lakes, Arizona

This is often refereed to as Lake Cochise alongside the Twin Lakes Gold Course in Willcox. We visited this lake twice during our travels. The lake was always covered in duck with plenty of waders along the edges. The best way to view was by driving around but as soon as we stopped, all the birds flushed. There was also the problem that the person in the passenger seat saw very little !  The golf course was next to the lakes and had stacks of birds on it, along with stacks of golfers !  So the second time we visited this area we went on a Monday, as the course was closed that day. Despite arriving at 6am, the staff were already on the course. We did get permission to walk around it but by the time we had walked three holes the permission had been rescinded and we were asked to leave as watering was about to commence ! 

American Avocet - a first for us !  Aren't they gorgeous x 

American Wigeon

Black-crowned Night Heron

White-faced Ibis

A very, very distant Bonepartes Gull. 
This was a local rarity and the local birders had all come twitching !

Cinnamon Teal

A distant Golden Eagle. The only one we saw on our trip.

Western Sandpiper. There were lots of waders around the lake but getting close enough to photograph them was a whole new ball game !

Loggerhead Shrike with tea !

There was a dead end lane up the side of the golf course. This was in the hedge. At the bottom of the lane was a 'green dumping area' where the Willcox locals could bring and dump all their green garden waste. It was well used and not definately not abused. Lots of bird rummaging through it all including our first roadrunner !

Mexican Duck with a White-faced Ibis behind

Mexican Duck

Northern Harrier. A few drifted over during our visit. 

Northern Harrier with the desert and mountains in the distance. Nothing prepares you for the big, wide open space of Arizona. It simply goes on forever. Mindblowing !

Northern Harriers putting the fear of God into the coots


Scaled Quail running along the golf course fence

Woohoo !!  Swainson's Hawks getting down and dirty !

White-faced Ibis, another first for us.

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