Thursday, April 23, 2020

This weeks pics xx

Ashby Ville Local Nature Reserve, one of our local walks. We have seen terrapins and turtles in here before but this one was MASSIVE !  Hauled out sunbathing. It caught sight of the ducklings swimming past and must have thought they would make a tasty snack.....the ducklings had also caught sight of the snapper and ran for their lives across the top of the water.


Bullfinch enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun

Coots chicks, not the prettiest x 

Cuckoo flower 

Garden looks good this year, lots of time to spend in it 

Lesser Whitethroat on one of our local walks. Singing its head off in the sun ! 

A sad sight to see. Our local sand martins had arrived the previous week and over the Easter weekend had started to excavate their nests in this sand face. Despite contacting the local Sibelco office over the bank holiday weekend, my message appeared not to have reached them and the following week the whole colony was destroyed. 

Tree pipit  

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