Sunday, April 19, 2020

A few pics from our local walks last week

The days tick by, one by one, and each day that passes means that we are a day closer to the end of this horrible time. We have a local walk every day, usually mid-morning, that combines birdwatching and flowers. Our daily fix of fresh air and nature.  The rest of the days are spent in the veg garden, reading or watching tv. Never watched so much, and we have even started to keep a list of films and boxed sets we have watched, giving each a score. Be interesting to see what the winner is !  Under normal circumstances, the TV isn't even switched on some days.......oh well, these circumstances at the moment are anything but normal. 

At this time we should have been in southern Thailand looking at Pittas.......perhaps next year, fingers crossed xx

Our warblers have started to arrive last week. We will struggle to see/hear one or two this year with the lockdown which we are trying to stick to. 

Our local woods are a carpet of bluebells at the moment and look stunning. A lovely woodland that we can easily walk to from our house. We are really starting to appreciate the local nature alot more.  

Bog Bean 


Snakes Head Fritillary 

Brown Hare - he never moved an inch while we walked past him 

The Humber Bridge - an old pic from my phone taken when we went to see the Waxwings at Hessle. That seems like another lifetime ago ! 

Kestrel enjoying the morning sun 

Little Pixi cat sunbathing on the wood pile 

Wild Cherry blossom 

Red-crested Pochard 

A memorial on Ridge Walk to commemorate three local famous folk 


A few more warblers, chiffchaffs and willow warblers, singing their hearts out to attract a mate

White Viola 

Greater Stitchwort 

Wild Garlic 

Marsh Marigold

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