Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lucy - a nurse, an angel, a hero xx

This is our beautiful daughter Lucy, a Respiratory Staff  Nurse at the local hospital. She works 13 hour shifts nursing Corvid 19 positive patients. The work is relentless, heartbreaking, exhausting and every day she puts her life in danger to look after sick people, all ages and from all walks of life, all needing the medicines, oxygen and the loving care that nurses like Lucy are providing. Even sitting with them at the end of life so they don't die alone. It's heartbreaking. She is our hero.

New visors !!  Made on a 3D printer by a private company and donated to the NHS. They get the seal of approval from Lucy !  Stay safe everyone, go out just once a day for exercise, remember your 2 metres distance, sanitise your hands, handles, steering wheel, door handles, remember not to touch your face and wash your hands constantly.  Lets hope we can soon come out of these horrible times. A time we will never, ever forget. 

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