Sunday, April 12, 2020

Old phone pics and a few from our recent daily strolls

Emptying phone as due an upgrade, although that could be months away from now. A random selection of pics and then I think that will be that for a while. Stay safe everyone, remember only go out once a day, keep it local and wash your hands a million times a day !


This will help us get through the day ! 


Lots of good food will help us get through these dreadful days xx 

Small tortoiseshell in the garden 

and on the forget-me-not in the garden

Primroses, a lovely covering of those in the garden this year 

Green Woodpecker from one of our daily strolls 





Little Pixi cat having an afternoon snooze in the strawberry frame, getting under the plastic in the sun to get as hot as possible !

A weeping birch tree 


Spectacular colours on this weeping birch tree 

Simon enjoying our daily walk on the moors. We never met another soul. Can't wait until we can do this seems like another lifetime ago. 

Brick and Tile Kiln and Chimney, East Halton. A Grade II listed building and the largest surviving brick and tile kiln on the Humber belonging to Wilkinson & Houghton. Karen typed a book of the memoirs of one of the workers along with a book about the Barton Brick & Tile works.

A few Wheaters from one of our local morning walks. We saw 4.  

White Viola 


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