Thursday, April 30, 2020

Common Terns back at Messingham Nature Reserve

A pair of Common Terns and Lesser Black-backed Gulls below 

Our daily late afternoon stroll around Messingham Nature Reserve. We have been trying to keep local, aiming for a walk and fresh air each day, birds are a bonus !  But tonight a pair of common terns flew in, just arrived, and bathed twice, absolutely drowning themselves, washing the grime off from their long journey back. So good to see and with a few hirundines above us and a very vocal cuckoo that flew the whole length of the site before flying off. We almost felt like we were back in the land of the living ! It's been a horrible month and we think next month will be equally as horrific. We just hope that we can get through this, but afraid that life will never be the same again. 

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