Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bompu Camp, Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

An early start, 4am, to start our drive up and over Eaglenest Pass which is at 2780 metres above sea level. Bompu Camp is at 1945 metres.  It did take us all day with many birding stops, the best one being for a female Temminck's Tragopan that quickly dashed across the track and totally disappeared.  I was dreading another camp, just incase it was as mouldy as the first one. Such a pleasant surprise to find lovely nylon tents and fluffy !  

Bompu Camp - lovely tents all with solar lights - luxury 

The dining area - a derelict, deserted army building. The serving hatch to the kitchen and the 'charging table' on the right. The camp was full and this table was covered in batteries and mobiles each evening when the generator was switched on.   

Inside our tent 

We passed many shrines on our journey. Just love the prayer flags blowing in the wind, carrying prayers to the gods. These were everywhere the higher we got and were then joined by prayer wheels - so spiritual, loved it.  

The food at Bompu Camp was lovely. Onion Pakoras to die for ! The camp had a 'water man' that arrived with buckets of hot water for you whenever you returned. Thoroughly enjoyed our 4 nights stay here. A very popular camp that was full every night we were there. 

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