Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bompu Camp birds, Eaglenest

Ashy Wood Pigeon 

Bar-winged Wren Babbler - skulking in the undergrowth 

Black-faced Warbler 

Black-throated Sunbird 

Blyth's Leaf Warbler 

Brown Bush Warbler 

Brown-throated Fulvetta 

Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush 

Chestnut-crowned Laughing Thrush 

Coal Tit - love the crest !

Crested Serpent Eagle 

Dark-sided Flycatcher 

Great Barbet 

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo 

I know it's blurred but this is a Green Cochoa found by our driver, Sanjay. As soon as it heard us it was off, we didn't have time to get out so just snapped away through the window and hoped. Afraid this is the best shot but see it we did, a mighty fine bird ! 

Green-tailed Sunbird 

Grey-backed Shrike

We felt the aftermath of the Cyclone that was pounding the Bay of Bengal while we were at this camp. Thick dense cloud, rain, fog and cold. It lasted a couple of days before it subsided. The rain brought out the leeches....hundreds of them that coated the sides of the van and some even popped through the windows. We had to be on constant leech patrol !

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