Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Birds around Lama Camp, Eaglenest

Short-billed Minivet 

Large Niltava 

Spotted Laughing Thrush 

 Himalayan Giant Squirrel

Striated Bulbul 

Stripe-throated Yuhina 

Tickell's Thrush 

Verditer Flycatcher 

Weeeeed !!   Growing everywhere ! 

Whiskered Yuhina 

White-throated Bulbul 

Beetle.....it was flipping massive ! 

This is the River Bramhaputra, pic taken from a moving car in fog ! 
The river was massive, like an inland sea

Karen in 3 fleeces and waterproof.... and gloves !  The pic not only shows how green it is but also how dense the undergrowth is. 

Breakfast is served ! 

Our table and chairs. Life didn't get much better, breakfast in the mountains surrounded by birds 

Orchids growing high up in the trees 

Roadworkers house. They set up home wherever they were working. 

We had to wait while the lads spread the tar. In the UK the road would be closed, we just had a 10 minute wait, no problem. The road was only tarred up to Lama Camp. After that, the Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary  begins and the road isn't allowed to be maintained. So after Lama Camp, the road resembles a track. 

Us two with our guide, Lakpa Tensing 

The trees were massive and the understory unpenetrable.  
Totally unspoiled, lets hope it stays like this forever. 

Tomorrow we leave Lama Camp and head over Eaglenest Pass at 2780 metres above sea level to Bompu Camp, our stay for the next 4 nights.  It is a 2 hour drive but will take us all day with birding stops. Looking forward to showing you our pics. 

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