Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A few from the garden



Herb corner

We have some fantastic daffs this year, many unusual ones. Love the double frilly ones.

These were all taken a week ago before the planters had filled up with growth and colour. You just want to see them all now ...... they all look sensational !  I have some more pics to show you and I need to get out again and take some more snaps...... when the sun finally shines !

Just a smittering of tomato plants growing away in the greenhouse. We literally have hundreds of plants

Pixi getting down and snoozy infront of the stove, she must be boiling hot but she loves it ! Look at that front paw hugging the cushion.

She is a funny cat. There is always fresh water for her in the kitchen and outside yet she refuses to drink from a bowl. Preferring to drink straight from the tap or steal it from a jug. Very odd !!

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