Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A few bits and bobs


Pied Wagtails everywhere on our walk today

A white pheasant scurrying along the hedgerow, quite an unusual sight

These two pics are from Messingham Nature Reserve, our local reserve. The volunteers simply never stop clearing. The paths are cut wider than most roads and now the understorey of the woodlands are starting to be cleared. A lot of trees now show signs of strimmer damage and below was the sight that greeted us this week......just at the start of the breeding season. If they had to do the work, why wasn't it undertaken in the winter months ? I won't get on my soap box but you can see where we are coming from. 

Meadow Pipit

The trees in our local forest are greener than green, this pic certainly doesn't do them justice

Sorry, another moan !  A public footpath that is now a pond with the flood water pumped on it from the nearby farm. Totally unwalkable.

Goldcrest that refused to show us it's crest !

Tree Creeper

Lesser Celandine now in flower, a sure sign of spring

Lots of Chiffchaffs in full song, beautiful !

Beautiful blossom xx

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