Sunday, September 10, 2023

Brown Booby, South Gare, Cleveland

Just had to drive north to see the Brown Booby, a bird we have seen before in Cuba. An easy drive and then looked for birders. The bird had been sat on a buoy all morning and then had a fly round. It was the usual, it was here 10 minutes ago, when we got there which made for a stressful half hour until a shout went up that it was sat on the furthest buoy. So, moved the car again (for the third time!) and a very distant scope view was had of the booby, pressure now off ! So, moved the car yet again, and joined the group of birders at the very end where we had some very good views of it sat on green buoy 5. 

A local fishing boat then appeared with a photographer onboard and appeared to get very close, but the bird didn't flush or seem bothered to be honest. But, is there really any need ??

Thought we would beat a retreat with a 110 mile drive until we saw Vince and Mark so we moved the car again and joined them skua watching. Always keeping our eye on the booby, we noticed that it had flown and bingo, it flew round straight infront of us, catching a fish. A fantastic day ! Our first new UK bird of the year. 

Here the booby had caught a fish which attracted a crowd of gulls that failed to rob the fish

Brown Booby against the petro-chemical works

Any need ?? One photographer with a lens that could photograph an ant on the moon.

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