Friday, September 15, 2023

A few from the garden this week


After demolishing an old shed and moving the new one up the garden into a more suitable spot, we thought a greenhouse would be good in the space at the very bottom of the garden. Being surrounded by neighbours garages on two sides it would also be protected from the strong winds we get these days. So Simon set about clearing the space and goodness, what a job that turned out to be. It was a corner that we had used to dump stuff for 40 years ! We had also had very heavy rain every day for a month which didn't help either. So as soon as we had got a delivery date it was all hands on deck, ground leveled. a base built and many trips to the tip were done. 

Nearly done and it looks fantastic !

Pixi loves it, she has already moved in !

And now for some VEG !!

Still harvesting new potatoes, flipping delicious !

We get this amount of tomatoes every day

Another day, another basket of tomatoes and a couple of servings of beans. Will be in the freezer in 10 minutes from picking !

OMG delicious with butter, a fantastic harvest this year

Ripen !

We have a sweetcorn jungle

Today I froze 55lb of beautiful corn cobs. 
We now have 2 freezers full to the gills of lovely home grown veg !

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