Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Our new woodburner

Our old fireplace that has served us well over the years and just about 100 years old. An open fire may look lovely and cosy but 80% of the heat goes striaght up the chimney. We have spent a small fortune over the years on coal and the amount of time and effort collecting logs, sawing and stacking them every year has been on another level. Afraid we are no longer young and the effort of collecting , carrying and chainsawing was just too much. So the time came when we finally had to say goodbye and we now wonder what took us so long !

So the day came when we said goodbye fireplace. The dust and soot were phenomenal and even with a dust extractor, the house soon had a dust layer on everything. Our house is touching 100 years old so behind the fireplace was a back boiler and a chimney full of lead pipes. A massive job ! 

The flue is in place !

It's taking shape and all the dirty work is done

Job done and it looks fantastic !!  Tom has added a fan and a thermometer to finish it off. Can't wait for those freezing winter evenings when we can sit all toasty  !

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