Sunday, August 13, 2023

A few from my phone


Our local woods, looking good but there's sod all birds in them. Less and less each year......

This morning's spud harvest

Large Skipper

A massive Puffball

Pixi in hiding behind a buddleia, keeping out of the sun

She has now made a bed in the chives !

A cracker of a dahlia 'Jamaica'
Bought from Wilko......what are we going to do when it closes?! 

Sweet Peas. Afraid we were away when they flowered so missed them this year. We were away for 3 weeks when they needed to be germinated and then a further 3 weeks away when everything flowers. Must time our holidays better next year !

The bottom of our garden.....looking fantastic thanks to Simon !

Some lovely colours xx

The sweetcorn this year, like triffids. Looking forward to the harvest which won't be too long now. The corns are filling up but it's grown to well over 6 feet this year !

Our runner beans. I am never happy wherever they are planted in the garden as I can never reach them or get behind them to harvest. This year is even more of a challenge with the base of a a new greenhouse under construction on one side and a bed of dwarf beans and flowers infront with potatoes to the right. It's a right teetering challenge for me !

The joys of growing flowers.....I get fresh cut ones in the house most days and I love them !

Not too sure what these are or even where they are as they have been on my phone quite a while, but they are lovely and I will now get a book out and find out.

Beautiful xx

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