Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mountain Goats and a Brown Bear, Alaska


White dots on the side of a mountain !

When we did the scenic cruising it was all in a National Park. On entering the park the ship has to take on rangers that do lectures, walk around the decks giving out information on the surroundings and one is always on the bridge, looking out for wildlife and pointing out interesting rocks and glaciers. They don't miss a thing and are a godsend as all sightings are broadcast on all decks through the tannoy. 

On out outbound voyage we saw many mountain goats, none on the return journey. Perhaps this was why.......

A massive brown bear was patrolling the shoreline ! 

and just to give you some idea of the distance from ship to shore that you are viewing, the bear is a dot but was called out from the bridge by the rangers. Afraid without binoculars you didn't stand a chance of seeing it. This was our second brown bear of the trip. Well happy !

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