Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mount Roberts Tramway, Juneau


Sailing into Juneau. All the coastline had houses like this, look beautiful and idyllic in the summer months, bet winter is a whole new ball game !

There seems to be two things to do in Juneau, go up the Mount Roberts Tramway or to the Mendenhall Glacier. We had two visits here so decided to go up in the cable car and then visit the glacier on our second docking. Looking at the cable car, my heart was in my mouth as it was vertical ! So we paid our money, a staggering $50 each for a 6 minute return ride. A total rip off to be honest. We were hoping for Varied Thrush. We heard one call as soon as we stepped out the death defying carriage so we knew we were in with a chance. The amount of people up there was staggering but so were the amount of mosquitoes that were literally covering everyone. We heard many thrushes and had fleeting glimpses of one but it didn't seem enough so knew we had to put in a better effort on our return trip the following week. There were lots of birds and plants up here so we beat off the insects and had a good few hours up there.  You can see our ship in the photo above. 

At the top of Mount Roberts. A good path network but certainly not worth $50, whatever came over me! Climb up and save your money. 

and then we were told by quite a few people that they had seen a beaver......oh really ! A beaver up a mountain in a forest, of course you have seen a beaver 😊 We saw a woolly marmot along with a porcupine in a tree from the downward tram journey. 

All the walkways in the town were made of wood, looked good

The local ravens hanging out at the outdoor food stalls, not daft and certainly not shy

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