Monday, April 4, 2022

Cyprus snaps

The Baths of Aphrodite, our starting point looking for orchids and birds on the Akamas Peninsula

Hundreds of caterpillars all joined together. Pity they are in a car park and probably all got squished

Lots of ferel cats along the beach front. But all in excellent condition. They are well looked after, all being fed and watered every day. This lady attracted about 20 cats at this stop, they came from every direction to her.  She had many more stops to make along the beach front. 

This was at The Monastery of the Cat, they were literally everywhere but again all fed and watered and these had a shed full of cat beds to sleep in.

Aspro Dam, a magnet for migrating birds

Lots of lizards getting warm in the sun

Happy Mothers Day
I know how to live......omelette, toast and spaghetti. The wine was delicious xx

Smigies Picnic Site car park, one of the main orchid sites......packed !


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