Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A few more Cyprus birds


Nothing beats an evening fall of yellow wagtails.....a spectacular sight !
Most were gone the following morning.

100's of wheatears on this rocky coastal patch every day. Northern, Isabaline, Black-eared and one Cyprus Wheatear. Constantly flushed by dog walkers, oblivious. But why should Brits behave any differently than they do here?  


One of the three short-toed larks among the wheatears and wagtails. 

A UK bird trip arrived here one morning  with all the gear and the customary clothing.......and flushed every bird......closer and closer to get the pics. I delighted in telling them that our holiday was costing £1000 less than theirs and we were looking at the same birds 😀😀

Spanish Sparrow

Sardinian Warbler

Rupell's Warbler

A very distant ringtail that we were not expecting as we chatted to a local that once lived in Bridlington!

Red-throated Pipit


Laughing Dove

Cyprus Warbler.....our bird of the trip

Black-winged Stilt

Great Spotted Cuckoo
These were at a dam that we had never visited so drove down to take a look. A pair of Cretzchmars Buntings were the first birds we saw ! We could here the sound of cow bells so thought farmers were perhaps getting sheep / goats in......wrong. Looking onto the opposite hillside, it was littered with hunters (without guns thank goodness), but all had at least 4 hunting dogs that were scouring the hillside for hares and rabbits. The dogs had bells on their collars and could be heard for miles. We counted at least 50 dogs. Pleased to say that every hare they put out got away. But we saw this practice many times during the week. The dogs were emaciated. Of course we always stood among the customary spent cartridge shells, wherever we went, they could be found. There is really no hope for the world's wildlife. 

Flamingos in the haze at Akritiri

Cretzchmars Bunting

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