Saturday, October 2, 2021

Viking Graffiti, Saint Mary's Church, Stow-in-Lindsey


This is the earliest known example of Viking graffiti in England. It shows the rough scratching of an oared Viking sailing ship, dating from the 10th century. 

Stow Parish Church, a Grade I listed building,  is one of the largest and oldest in England and has both Saxon and Norman features. It was founded in the 7th century and has the earliest known example of Viking graffiti in England. It has the tallest Saxon arches of its time in Britain. 

This has been on our 'must do list' for some time now but Covid regulations closed the church for a year. It is now open so we chose a sunny day for our visit to see the graffiti in good light. We were alone in the church, a special time for some quiet reflection and thoughts. It is not too far away from home so know for sure that we will visit again.  

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