Wednesday, September 29, 2021

A few bits and bobs from the last week


Blackcap enjoying the last of the elderberries

Common Sandpiper

Great White and Little Egrets

Meadow Pipits

Pied Wagtail

Our pink-footed geese arrived on Saturday, thousands of them around the Humber

Ringed Plovers



Came across this rabbit, it was fast asleep, spark out in the autumn sun !

This was the last bucket of carrots, now scrubbed and bagged in the freezer. Delicious !

The last of the dahlias, they have been stunning this year. Going to grow more varieties next year, they make such lovely cut flowers. Stunning. 

It's that time of year when a walk in the forest should give us some beautiful fungus, but we are finding this year that the ground is all trampled and all the mushrooms picked......the whole lot. Foragers have a lot to answer for.

This is a new fungus for us. We think it's a Beefsteak. A stunning red fungus growing on oak. 

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