Sunday, August 15, 2021

North Lincolnshire Council hedge removal and nature reserve


This was the bowling green in Central Park, Scunthorpe that is no longer managed as fine turf. Simon used to work here and the bowling green was brilliant, there was a hut, benches, it was used by a first division team and was surrounded by a thick, mature hedge. When Simon retired the fine turf management went to ruin so bowls, cricket, putting, rounders, boules were all lost. Imagine our shock when we had an evening walk through Central Park and Brumby Woods to see the hedge had been totally removed. 
I wrote to the leader of the council and was told that it had been removed because of underage drinking and drug abuse that went on behind the hedge. Removing the hedge won't solve the social problems, simply move them on. 
There is a large pipistrelle bat roost in nearby trees. Infact we used to call this 'bat corner', there were that many. They will have flown up and down this hedge feeding every single night. It's a disgrace. I did ask if the section knew about the bats and their location as many bat surveys were done and mapped when I was at work and that info is available council wide. They never mentioned bats in the reply. 
The council should be championing the environment, promoting it and getting people involved not totally destroying it on a whim and fancy. Disgraceful. 

And then we come to the Blue Lagoon Nature Reserve, again managed by the council. Some new signs have gone up, a knee jerk reaction, after a poor lad drowned at Ashby Ville Nature Reserve. The signs obviously are not meant for this gang of folk with a large boat, a canoe, a couple of tents, tables, full bar on, music blaring.....and this is on a nature reserve. 

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