Sunday, August 15, 2021

A few from our garden last week


An excellent potato harvest this morning with plenty more still in the ground. Now all washed, dried and put in trays. They are delicious, so tasty compared to shop bought.  No comparison. 

Our tomatoes haven't been the success as in previous years. We usually have literally stones but afraid not this year due to the bitterly cold spring and now we have a lack of sun for ripening. Oh well, we will harvest what we can and enjoy !

We have never grown dahlias before so put a few tubers in the bottom of the garden. They are stunning, the garden looks a riot of colour and I have cut flowers every day in the house. Will grow more next year. Love them. 
Dahlias and sweet peas from the garden with a few orchids that we have in the kitchen window. 

I told Simon that something was eating the fushias.............. 
We had a elephant hawk moth in the house the other night and now we have a caterpillar in the garden. It's certainly put paid to a few choice plants !

Pixi likes to be with us in the garden and she loves a sieve to sit it !

Like two peas in a pod. This is Magic asleep in the kitchen window. He had been looking out of it all morning, keeping his eye on the drive. It proved too much and an afternoons sleep was called for. He really couldn't have been comfortable, teetering on the sill.  And as soon as he moved, Pixi moved in, and had an evenings sleep on the eggs !  They are funny xx

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