Saturday, August 21, 2021

Golden Oriole, Slaynes Lane, Notts

Raining today so we headed to Hagg Lane / Slaynes Lane for the cattle egret knowing that we could bird it from our car. Not there too long before we saw a Lincs birder flushing the cattle egret, but happy that he flushed it our way. It landed with the large group of little egrets on the opposite side of the flood. But cattle egret it was and a new year tick for us.

Cattle Egret in the middle

We then drove along Hagg Lane to the gate as Slaynes Lane starts, thinking we could have a coffee here and a scan around. Just got the flask out and Simon lifted his bins onto a distant bird, GOLDEN ORIOLE !!!!  Coffee ditched, camera out, bins up for about 10 seconds before the oriole dropped down and despite sitting quiet and waiting for well over an hour, it never re-appeared. Then the rain started. The oriole had been reported in flight this morning and who would have thought it would still be around. We drove down Slaynes Lane so we could look back on this small copse but afraid no luck. A fantastic couple of hours at this brilliant Notts site.  Who knows, it might turn up again tomorrow with a bit of luck. 

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