Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Black-browed Albatross and Great Skua, Bempton Cliffs


A close up of the brow and yes, it really was this close !

Although we had seen the albatross at Bempton, we had to have another trip as we had yet to see it fly! So yesterday afternoon we headed to Bempton. Not too many cars in the car park which was good. Lots of birders leaving saying it hadn't flown all morning. Would we be lucky? So headed off to the viewpoint with the small crowd and waited. We could see it on the cliffs with the gannets and then all of a sudden it disappeared......eyes peeled!  And there it was, souring below us, the views were amazing. It flew out to sea and landed on the water, a dot on the sea and we thought that would be the last we would see of it. Wrong !  It was soon airborne again only now it was being pursued by a Great Skua ! Although they didn't come close it was fabulous to see the two birds together. The skua was eventually on it's way and the albatross flew in close again, eye level height and so close. An amazing afternoon. 

Here trying to escape from a great skua

A fantastic afternoon at Bempton, a good crowd and a catch up with folk we haven't seen for years !

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