Thursday, May 13, 2021

Hoopoe, Flamborough


Up later than planned and then a never ending journey of roadworks, single lane, resurfacing, 30mph  and cones, so it was near lunchtime by the time we arrived in Flamborough. The hoopoe had been seen in the morning so we hung around the bowling green gate with the crowd where there was no social distancing whatsoever and, to be honest, it freaked us somewhat. A couple of hours passed and still no sign but the sun was shining and our packup was delicious so no complaints. The field opposite was being watched as the hoopoe often dust bathed in there before arriving on the bowling green. Soon a shout went up and the hoopoe was now at the back of the rough field. Viewing not easy with one gatehole and a gap in the hedge but we secured a front row seat ! The hoopoe did bathe in the dust, distant but still good to watch before coming slightly closer and then taking off in flight, we thought to cross the road and finish up on the bowling green lawn. Well, that is what we all thought but that didn't happen. Despite Karen running across the road to secure more front row seats the hoopoe was nowhere to be seen. Then, despite 20 birders standing in a gatehole, a couple of bowlers came along, opened the gate, drove in, inspected the lawn and proceeded to put mats out for a game of bowls. Oblivious to everyone and everything. You really couldn't make it up !  Oh well, we had seen the hoopoe, infact good views so we beat a retreat home to get ready for our second jab day tomorrow !!

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