Friday, May 14, 2021

A singing Nightingale and our second jabs !

It was the day we had been looking forward to, our second Covid jabs ! So off to Lincoln we headed and called into Whisby beforehand to, hopefully, listen to the Nightingale that we heard a couple of weeks ago. There is just one single bird now singing along the path (but there is another where there is no access). We remember the days when they surrounded the water on all sides, their song was spectacular on an evening visit. The path is now closed for dog walkers which is excellent but the behaviour of one of the local birders left alot to be desired and was told by many to back off. It does amaze us, the mentality of some people. Clearly the bird was singing from dense cover so everyone kept their distance and simply stood and listened, lost in thought, and enjoyed it. It's really not necessary to stand almost in the bushes. No fieldcraft and no consideration. Rant over !

We did see the Nightingale, for a good 10 seconds !  But just sit back and listen to it's beautiful song. Please ignore my shaky hand, I did think I had held the recorder steady.....clearly not 😀

And then onto the Showground for our second Covid 19 jabs. The centre runs like clockwork, perfect, job done !!

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