Saturday, June 1, 2019

Long-billed Plover, Sangti Valley

Sangti Valley 

Eurasian Cuckoo 


River Kingfisher 

The target bird for the day - Long-billed Plover.  

White Wagtail 

Yellow-breasted Greenfinch

The local cafes are called Hotels. This one served us up a lovely chicken chow mein !

Sangti Valley was our last stop on the way back to Guwhati, staying at an airport hotel ready for our flight home tomorrow. It has been a fantastic trip, we have both loved it. The birds, scenery, culture and company - all spot on. Can definately recommend this as a birding trip, one that you must all do. We are going home totally exhausted, birded all day every day from 4am, most at altitude and some at serious altitude ! With around 350 birds seen, 120 of those new, Indian One Horned Rhino and the Himalayas, couldn't ask for any more from a trip. We will certainly do another trip with Lakpa, he is a brilliant guide and we can certainly recommend him.  Now back to reality..........😥

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