Saturday, June 1, 2019

Grandala, Sela Pass

These are the last birds we have to show you from our trip......saving the best until last !
We had just recovered from seeing the Blood Pheasant when the snow began to fall. 'You will see Grandala today, always see it when it snows' our driver says. It was one of Simon's 'must see' birds so imagine his joy when Lakpa shouts out GRANDALA - a flipping flock of them !  So, altitude wobbles were forgotton as we feasted our eyes on these absolute beautiful birds. There are shades of blue and then there is Grandala blue. We watched them for ages until they flew up and over the pass. Then, luck was on our side as we found more on the other side of the mountain. It has to be one of the best birding days of our lives. 

BOOM - Team Grandala !!

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