Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Lama Camp birds, Arunachal Pradesh, Eaglenest Wildlife Sancuary

Just a few of the birds we saw around Lama Camp. The weather was overcast every day which was probably better for birding. I have lots more pics to show you, but pleased I have finally made a start!

Bhutan Laughing Thrush 

Black-crested Bulbul 

Black-faced Warbler 

Bronzed Drongo 

Sikkim (Brown-throated) Tree-creeper 

Chestnut-tailed Minla 

Himalayan Cutia 

Dark-sided Flycatcher in the fog

Golden-naped Finch (female) 

Golden-throated Barbet 

Great Barbet 

Great Hornbill - the best views we had ! 

Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill 

Green-backed Tit 

Kalij Pheasant 

Mrs Goulds Sunbird 

Green-tailed Sunbird 

Pin-tailed Green Pigeon 

Rufous-bellied Niltava 

Scarlet Finch - has to be in with a shout for one of the birds of the trip

Small Niltava 

Spotted Laughing Thrush 

Streak-breasted Scimiter-Babbler 

Stripe-throated Yuhina 

Tickells Thrush 

Verditer Flycatcher 

White-throated Bulbul

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