Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bugen Liocichla, Lama Camp, Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary

One of the main purposes of a stay at the Lama Camp is to try and see the Bugun Liocichla, a bird recently discovered in 2005. So we were up at 4am and out the tent flaps by 4.30am ready for the days birding. We had adjusted to the altitude and the side effects on the second day were nowhere near as bad. So we were out and raring to go. Back for breakfast around 7am (omelette and fried bread), then back out birding for the rest of the day with lunch on the go. Perfect !

We did an enormous amount of walking on this trip, no complaints as birds came thick and fast and the scenery was just mindblowing. It wasn't a trip where you saw the bird and back in the van.....we walked and birded as we went along.  Lakpa always made sure we were walking downhill, not uphill at altitude. 

Lakpa told us that the Liocichla was not an easy bird, it flew through the canopy with the Barwings, so we had to find the flock and hope. Out of 10 birding trips, 6 trips go away unlucky and it was not a bird that we could see anywhere else on this trip, so eyes peeled !  

So, did we manage to see the Bugun Liocichla, you bet we did, we saw 3 but all in the canopy and all very mobile.  The pressure was off, we had seen our target bird for the morning. 

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