Tuesday, May 29, 2018

CairnGorm Mountain - Ring Ouzels and Reindeer

The day started off very well with this ring ouzel in the car park, busy collecting breakfast. Red Grouse were on the hillside and Ravens were drifting over.  

The view from the top 

A raven in the haze 

A herd of reindeer soon came into view, very interested in the hikers, thinking they were going to get fed.

A morning up CairnGorm Mountain. We took the first train on the funicular railway, which was quite pricey to be honest. There were lots of birders on the train and soon the viewing area was full of birders looking for the ptarmigan, but afraid we all came down disappointed. Not one was seen, and it wasn't for the lack of trying. Hours were spent scanning every bit of the tops, along the fence lines, against the rocks, but a big fat zero. Mountain Hare was also absent, not one. Disgraceful. 

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