Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Castle Tioram

The ruins of Castle Tioram situated on the rocky island Eileen Tioram. We have visited this area many, many times over the years. It really is a beautiful place. It's one of the bays where otter is guaranteed..... well, we would certainly dispute that fact! We put in hours of otter searching from this wall, on high tide, low tide and rising tide, early morning, midday and dusk and saw a big fat zero !  Oh well, we certainly enjoyed looking that's for sure.  The island behind the castle is called Eileen Shona and is accessible only by boat. A little snippet of information for you .....the island is owned by Richard Branson's sister who lives there. 

This young male red deer was always around the car park area, grazing though someones beautiful garden. Here he is nipping off every new leaf that grew through the tree guards. A cheeky chappie !

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