Sunday, September 3, 2017

Guy Martin - Wall of Death

A lovely decorated wall in the car park with the Tour of Britain bike painted ready for next week. 

Specially brewed by Guy Martin and flipping delicious ! 

Ken Fox

Guy Martin

The finale - 3 bikes, timed and spaced at speed up a vertical wall !!

Well what can I say, it was simply a fantastic night (apart from the weather!). Sunny all day and as we were driving to Kirmington, the heavens opened which did spoil the night abit. We couldn't resist seeing Guy Martin riding the Wall of Death and as he lives just a few miles away, off we went. Easily found the car park and his pub, The Marrowbone and Cleaver in Kirmington, Lincs. Guy was there, sitting on a bike, chatting away to everyone. He had done a few shows but wasn't riding in them all so when we got in, there he was, the first one to ride. Fabulous!  Then Ken Fox and his riders got on the wall, oh my lord, how do they do that, jaw droppingly good. The speed and vibrations were not good for photography and to be honest, all we wanted to do was watch. We followed this up with a couple of pints in his pub, and the Skull and Spanners beer is highly recommended!  The pub had a motor bike / aeroplane theme with no airs and graces and was packed to the gills. We will definately return very soon without doubt. The rain never quite stopped all the time we were there but it didn't dampen our spirits and it was lovely to have a family night out. We did watch the show again before we beat a retreat but this time minus Guy Martin. What a lovely, down to earth bloke he is. 

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