Monday, August 28, 2017

Lincoln's Steampunks

Loved the peacock lady with her pink hair and knitted skirt, Karen's favourite 

 With temperatures in the mid 20's, some of them must have been a bit warm !

and a suit of armour walked past! 

there was even a man with a clock on his head ! 

Well this was an August Bank Holiday with a difference, thats for sure. Never been to a Steampunk Festival before so thought we would head to Lincoln to watch the parade this morning. We don't really know where to begin but what the heck was that all about?! Some of the costumes were mind boggling, the attention to detail was on another level, they have our admiration for donning all that stuff and looking that good. Heaven only knows what their hotel rooms are like as some of them say they have three changes of clothes each day !  Photography was almost a non starter with the amount of people that seemed to stand in the way and the parade went far too fast, marching at speed with no chance to show off their finery and all their hard work. With the crowds growing and most of the steampunks in the Castle grounds (where there was an entrance fee!), we didn't hang around and when we left we wondered what the heck we had just watched!  Very strange but looking forward to next year already!!

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