Saturday, July 20, 2013

Farne Islands

The twitch begins with our boat trip to Inner Farne on-board Serenity. The skipper, Andrew, was very knowledgeable on birds and local history of all the islands. He came very highly recommended and we could see why. He left all the birders on the island for a good 3 hours, being the last boat to return at 4.30pm, giving us all plenty of time to see the tern (hopefully!)
 Grey Seal

 A relaxed group of birders, pressure off, bridle tern ticked ! Most had left on an earlier boat but we decided to stay until the last crossing. It seemed a shame not to make the most of this weather, the birds and the fabulous island we were on. This group are just watching a couple of roseate terns.

 Birds everywhere, but I can't begin to describe the smell !


 Grey Seal

 Bridled Guillemots

 No trip is complete without a puffin picture. They are just gorgeous.


Arctic Tern, sitting on eggs on the path. Plenty of dive-bombing, so glad we had hats.

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