Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bridled Tern

Just couldn't resist going for this stunner so with 2 places booked on Serenity we set off, excited about our adventure. The boat was full of birders, some Yorkshire lads we knew from Spurn so a good banter was flying. After an hour we moored on Inner Farne, knowing that the bird hadn't been seen at all that day. It had been coming in around 2pm for the last 5 days so we were all ready and waiting. Well, there was no sign and time was ticking. The happy, excited atmosphere was fading fast. Some birders had travelled from the south and a couple of them were fast asleep on the concrete! Then, at 3.10pm, a shout went up, the bridled tern had just flown in. It was probably the most difficult bird to find amongst the 1000's of other terns and rocks but everyone eventually saw it. It was very distant and photography was certainly not easy, but seeing the bird was paramount and a photo was a bonus. After a good preen the bridled then had a fly round and after a tussle with a couple of sandwich terns, flew off. A magical moment. We all went back on the boat happy and smiling. A new bird for us taking Karen's UK list to 341 and world list to 1433.

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